
Round Fandoghi pistachio has a round and small nut with a tiny shell. Round Fandoghi pistachio is considered as one of the most famous pistachio types. This type of pistachio which is also known as the round pistachio is the most commercial pistachio amongst all types of pistachio in Iran. Growing in the vast fields of Iran, this type of pistachio is harvested early September. Fandoghi pistachio has one of the smallest kernels compared to other types of pistachio. therefore, it has the largest volume between Iranian pistachio types.

Fandoghi pistachio is a famous pistachio in Kerman province, as it constitutes 55 to 60% of pistachio orchards in this province. This pistachio is known as Fandoghi pistachio on account of its little and hazelnut-like appearance.

Round pistachio is one of the most economic pistachio types for wholesale and retail buyers. If you are looking for a cost-effective purchase, DAHFOOD is here to offer you the best round pistachio available in the market.


Fandoghi pistachio nutrition

round Fandoghi pistachios are a great source of healthy fats, anti-inflammatory traits, fiber, protein, antioxidants and various nutrients including vitamin B6.
One ounce of Fandoghi pistachio kernels which is approximately 50 kernels has 159 calories, 12.865 grams of fat, 7.7 grams of carbs and 5.7 protein.


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